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Where can I find historical prices for Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited stock?

Discover historical prices for FCG.NZ stock on Yahoo Finance. View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited stock was issued.

How does Fonterra pay out dividends?

The farmers own Fonterra shares based on the volume of milk they produce in a given dairy season. Right now, a farmer has to hold one share for every kilogram of milksolids supplied. Fonterra also pays out profits to farmers. For example, in the 2019-20 financial year it paid out 5 cents in dividend for every share held.

What is the Fonterra shareholders' market (FSM)?

The Fonterra Shareholders’ Market (FSM) is the farmer-only market where farmers trade shares in our Co-operative between themselves.

What does Fonterra do?

Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited is a co-operative company operating in the international dairy industry. It is involved in the collection, manufacture and sale of milk and milk-derived products and in fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and foodservice businesses. It operates through five segments: Global Ingredients...

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